The Entity

In Remult, the core element is an entity. An entity represents a business object, such as an order or customer. In our tutorial, we’ll use a Task entity for our todo application.

Here’s the code for the entity we’ll use:

import { Entity, Fields } from 'remult'
@Entity('tasks', {
allowApiCrud: true,
export class Task {
id = ''
title = ''
completed = false
createdAt?: Date

Code Explanation

  • @Entity('tasks', { allowApiCrud: true }) defines the Task entity and configures it to allow all CRUD operations - later we’ll restrict that using authorization.
  • @Fields.uuid() generates a unique ID for each task.
  • @Fields.string() and @Fields.boolean() define the title and completed fields, respectively.
  • @Fields.createdAt() automatically sets the creation date.

This entity will be used to define the database, API, frontend query language, validation, authorization, and any other definition that revolves around the task.

We’ve placed the entity’s source code in the shared folder to indicate that it’s shared between the frontend and the backend.

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