SQL Expressions for Fields Based on Relations

With Remult’s sqlExpression feature, you can create fields that pull data from related entities. This approach is especially useful when you want to sort, filter, or display information from a related entity directly within the current entity’s context.

Example: Adding Customer City to the Order Entity

Suppose you want to display and sort orders based on the city of each order’s customer. Instead of loading each customer’s data separately, you can add a customerCity field to the Order entity, which will retrieve the customer’s city information directly from the database.

4 collapsed lines
import { Entity, Fields, Relations, dbNamesOf } from 'remult'
import { Customer } from './Customer'
export class Order {
8 collapsed lines
id = 0
customerId = 0
@Relations.toOne<Order, Customer>(() => Customer, 'customerId') // This establishes the relation
customer!: Customer
amount = 0
sqlExpression: async () => {
const orders = await dbNamesOf(Order, { tableName: true })
const customer = await dbNamesOf(Customer)
return `(select ${customer.city}
from ${customer}
where ${customer.id} = ${orders.customerId})`
customerCity = '' // Field pulling the city from the related Customer entity

Explanation of the Code

  • SQL Expression as a Related Field: The sqlExpression for customerCity pulls the city field from the Customer entity, using a subquery to fetch the value based on the customerId in the Order entity.
  • dbNamesOf Utility: Ensures that table and column names match the schema, reducing errors and improving consistency.
  • Dynamic Data: The customerCity field provides real-time data from the related Customer entity, allowing you to view the customer’s city alongside order information.

Using customerCity for Sorting and Filtering

With customerCity as a field in the Order entity, you can now sort and filter orders by their customer’s city without needing to load or query the Customer entity directly.

Sorting by customerCity

To sort orders by the customer’s city in ascending order:

const ordersSortedByCity = await repo(Order).find({
orderBy: {
customerCity: 'asc',

Filtering by customerCity

To retrieve orders where the customer’s city is “London”:

const ordersFromLondon = await repo(Order).find({
where: {
customerCity: 'London',

In this query:

  • Sorting and filtering directly by customerCity keeps your code cleaner and reduces the need for extra joins or nested queries.
  • By leveraging sqlExpression, you optimize performance as the field data is retrieved from the database in a single query.

  1. Efficient Data Retrieval: Fetch data from related entities without additional queries or client-server communication.
  2. Improved Performance: Since the database performs the subquery, it remains efficient even with large datasets.
  3. Simplified Code: Sorting and filtering by related fields becomes as simple as using any other field.
  4. Real-time Information: The related field’s data remains current, reflecting any changes to the related entity.

In this lesson, you’ve seen how sqlExpression can transform your data handling by enabling seamless access to fields from related entities. This feature is ideal for situations where you need to use related data for sorting, filtering, or displaying, all while keeping your code efficient and streamlined.

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