Leveraging sqlRelations for Advanced SQL-Based Relationships

The sqlRelations API (currently experimental) enhances the way you handle relationships in Remult by enabling SQL-like expressions directly on related entities. This allows for the seamless use of fields from related entities, simplifying complex queries and calculations. Let’s explore its use in a few examples that demonstrate the power of sqlRelations.

Example 1: Adding Customer City to the Order Entity

In many cases, you may want to display information from a related entity, such as a customer’s city, directly within the Order entity. With sqlRelations, you can do this using a straightforward syntax.

5 collapsed lines
import { Entity, Fields, Relations, dbNamesOf } from 'remult'
import { sqlRelations } from 'remult/internals'
import { Customer } from './Customer'
export class Order {
8 collapsed lines
id = 0
customerId = 0
@Relations.toOne<Order, Customer>(() => Customer, 'customerId') // This establishes the relation
customer!: Customer
amount = 0
sqlExpression: () => sqlRelations(Order).customer.city, // Retrieve the customer's city directly
customerCity = ''


  • Direct Relation Field: sqlRelations(Order).customer.city pulls the city field from the Customer entity, eliminating the need for a join.
  • Dynamic Data: The customerCity field within Order automatically updates whenever the related Customer data changes.

To show the number of orders a customer has, you can define a orderCount field in the Customer entity using sqlRelations.

5 collapsed lines
import { Entity, Fields, Relations, dbNamesOf } from 'remult'
import { sqlRelations } from 'remult/internals'
import { Order } from './Order'
export class Customer {
8 collapsed lines
id = 0
name = ''
city = ''
@Relations.toMany<Customer, Order>(() => Order, 'customerId')
orders?: Order[]
sqlExpression: () => sqlRelations(Customer).orders.$count(), // Count orders for each customer
orderCount = 0
14 collapsed lines
sqlExpression: () =>
amount: { $gt: 50 }, // Apply condition on amount field
bigOrderCount = 0
sqlExpression: () =>
sqlRelations(Customer).orders.$subQuery((o) => `sum(${o.amount})`), // Aggregate sum of order amounts
totalAmount = 0


  • Counting Relations: sqlRelations(Customer).orders.$count() counts the number of related Order records for each customer.
  • Efficient Aggregation: This aggregation is done directly in SQL, making it highly efficient for large datasets.

Example 3: Counting Orders with Specific Conditions

Suppose you want to count only the customer’s orders where the amount is over a certain threshold (e.g., greater than 50). You can add a bigOrderCount field to the Customer entity.

5 collapsed lines
import { Entity, Fields, Relations, dbNamesOf } from 'remult'
import { sqlRelations } from 'remult/internals'
import { Order } from './Order'
export class Customer {
14 collapsed lines
id = 0
name = ''
city = ''
@Relations.toMany<Customer, Order>(() => Order, 'customerId')
orders?: Order[]
sqlExpression: () => sqlRelations(Customer).orders.$count(), // Count orders for each customer
orderCount = 0
sqlExpression: () =>
amount: { $gt: 50 }, // Apply condition on amount field
bigOrderCount = 0
7 collapsed lines
sqlExpression: () =>
sqlRelations(Customer).orders.$subQuery((o) => `sum(${o.amount})`), // Aggregate sum of order amounts
totalAmount = 0


  • Conditional Counting: This field uses $count with a filter condition to count only orders with an amount greater than 50.
  • Dynamic Filtering: You can specify any criteria here, providing flexibility for conditional counts within the related entity.

Example 4: Dynamic SQL Aggregation

For advanced calculations, such as summing up the total order amount for each customer, you can use $subQuery to create custom SQL aggregations.

5 collapsed lines
import { Entity, Fields, Relations, dbNamesOf } from 'remult'
import { sqlRelations } from 'remult/internals'
import { Order } from './Order'
export class Customer {
22 collapsed lines
id = 0
name = ''
city = ''
@Relations.toMany<Customer, Order>(() => Order, 'customerId')
orders?: Order[]
sqlExpression: () => sqlRelations(Customer).orders.$count(), // Count orders for each customer
orderCount = 0
sqlExpression: () =>
amount: { $gt: 50 }, // Apply condition on amount field
bigOrderCount = 0
sqlExpression: () =>
sqlRelations(Customer).orders.$subQuery((o) => `sum(${o.amount})`), // Aggregate sum of order amounts
totalAmount = 0


  • Custom Aggregations: The $subQuery method allows you to define a custom SQL expression for advanced calculations. Here, it calculates the total order amount for each customer.
  • Dynamic Syntax: sqlRelations provides flexibility for creating any kind of SQL-based aggregation, allowing you to customize the expression to fit your needs.

Summary of sqlRelations Benefits

  1. Efficiency: By generating SQL expressions directly within entity fields, sqlRelations minimizes database calls and performs calculations in SQL, improving performance.
  2. Simplified Code: Directly including related entity fields and aggregations within your entity definitions streamlines code and enhances readability.
  3. Dynamic Aggregations: With $subQuery, you can create complex aggregations based on related data, enabling powerful data insights with minimal effort.

This approach provides a powerful way to manage complex relationships and aggregations in Remult, bringing the flexibility of SQL into the realm of structured, type-safe TypeScript fields.

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